Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)


Responsible Curator:
Marieke van Delft

Paper and watermark research:
Gerard van Thienen, former curator of incunabula, KB Den Haag
Erik Jan Bleeker, Karin Bout, Hennie Dolfsma, Astrid Enderman, Aukje Eggenhuizen, Annette Gutjahr, Marjolein van Herten, Britt Hopmann, Hans Punt, Martine Veldhuizen

Production electronradiographs:
Röntgen Technische Dienst, Rotterdam:

Department of Optical Technology, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag

Database construction:
The MS Access database was developped by interns of the Universiteit Leiden in cooperation with de  Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag

IIBuildings and Koninklijke Bibliotheek Den Haag

With cooperation of:
Museum Meermanno | huis van het boek, Den Haag 
Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht 
Stichting Librije Walburgiskerk, Zutphen 
Koninklijk Huisarchief, Den Haag

Travel grants:
1997, 1998, 1999
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)

SNS Reaal Fonds, Amsterdam
Vereniging van Nederlandse Papier- en Kartonfabrieken (VNP)
Crown Van Gelder Papierfabrieken (CVG)
Norske Skog Parenco
Sappi Maastricht

European Commission (Bernstein Project)

INTAS Project:
WILC has been partner in a project for A Distributed Database and Processing System for Watermarks, with Academies of Science of Vienna, Moscow and St Petersburg and the State Historical Museum, Moscow. 2001- June 2004, supported by INTAS.

Bernstein Project:
WILC has been partner in the Bernstein project, in which an integrated European digital environment for the expertise and history of paper is created. This project is coordinated by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna; partners come from Paris, Leipzig, Stuttgart, Delft, Florence, Graz and Liverpool.

Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands